Page 10 - Experiential Magazine - Vol 6
P. 10


The American Riviera                                                                             walls and red-tile roofs. Downtown streets
                                                                                                 reflect the city’s European past with Spanish
                                                                                                 names such as Ortega, Gutierrez and Cabrillo.

Santa Barbara bills itself as “The American      Spanish explorers and settlers returned         The best way to immediately experience
Riviera,” and, like its French counterpart,      in the late 1700s. Gaspar de Portola and        Santa Barbara’s geographic splendor is to
could easily lay claim to one of the most        Franciscan priest Junipero Serra arrived by     head to the waterfront walking and biking
scenic places on the planet. The central         land from Mexico and built missions and         path parallel to Cabrillo Boulevard. The path
California city’s gorgeous Pacific coastline     forts. On this Short Escape, be sure to visit   – also popular with joggers, skateboarders and
and beaches are enhanced by the towering,        the Old Mission and El Presidio de Santa        rollerbladers – provides quick access to shops,
tree-covered Santa Ynez Mountains and the        Barbara State Historic Park. The 5 1/2-acre     restaurants, wine-tasting rooms and craft
city’s stylish Spanish architecture.             park in downtown Santa Barbara preserves        breweries. A must-see stop is Stearns Wharf,
                                                 the site of the last Spanish fortress founded   a deep-water pier that extends far into the har-
Spanish settlers are responsible for the city’s  in Alta (Upper) California in 1782. Two of the  bor and provides a magnificent vantage point
architecture, including Old Mission Santa        fort‘s original adobe buildings – El Cuartel    for viewing the city and its glorious mountain
Barbara and the Santa Barbara County             and the Canedo Adobe still exist – and are      setting.
Courthouse. Sailing from Spanish-ruled           open to the public.
Mexico in 1602, explorer Sebastian Vizcaíno                                                      Near the waterfront is the revitalized Funk
survived a big storm on the eve of Saint Bar-    Most of the city’s old architecture was         Zone neighborhood. Formerly a manufactur-
bara’s feast day and named Santa Barbara         destroyed by a massive earthquake in 1925,      ing area filled with old warehouses, it now
Channel and Santa Barbara Island – today         but civic leader Pearl Chase convinced city     boasts a flourishing subculture of artists’
part of the Channel Islands – in the saint’s     planners to rebuild in Spanish Colonial         studios, wine-tasting rooms, craft brewers,
honor. Later, a city sprung up adopted the       Revival style. Thus was born many of today’s    a distillery, coffee shops, craft shops, restau-
same name.                                       structures and their whitewashed adobe          rants and the Santa Barbara Surfing Museum.

HOT VENUE                                                            Harley-Davidson Museum,

The Harley-Davidson Museum isn’t your typical museum. Much                    Milwaukee, WI
more than a nostalgia trip for motorcycle enthusiasts, the Museum
offers a unique glimpse of American history, industry and culture.
Interior spaces nod to Harley-Davidson’s industrial heritage and
its design legacy, right down to the doodles in every room by Motor
Company Chief Stylist Willie G. Davidson. Greenly lush outdoor
spaces bounded by downtown Milwaukee and the Menomonee
Valley seamlessly extend the Museum experience beyond its walls.
And the complex and its surrounding waterfront campus provide
a perfect backdrop for gatherings and special events. Whether it’s
hosting groups of 20 for team-building and incentive awards or
corporate events involving up to 750 people at a sit-down dinner,
attendees will enjoy more than 450 motorcycles and artifacts dat-
ing back to Serial Number One, the oldest known Harley-Davidson
motorcycle; stories of extraordinary products, people, history and
Harley-Davidson culture; tours of never-before-seen archives; and
other unforgettable sights and artifacts.
Phone: 215-345-0210

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