Page 12 - Experiential Magazine - Vol 6
P. 12


Nature and Nurture

The U.S. Virgin Islands offers travelers the best  near Centerline road or the Cast Iron Pot off         bungalows – and virtually every amenity you
of both worlds – nature and nurture.               Northside Rd., both serving simple, delicious         can think of (and some you can’t).
                                                   Crucian fare in copious helpings. Spend your
Nature: After landing at the airport in St.        second night touring the Buccaneer Resort’s           For example: Club Level rooms and suites
Thomas, it’s a short hop to the nearby Seaborne    historic grounds (home to a young Alexander           at the Ritz-Carlton come with a dedicated
Airlines terminal, where you can catch the float   Hamilton before he came to America to attend          concierge and an expansive lounge with
plane to St. Croix and be immersed in the wild     school and serve in the fledgling U.S. govern-        “continuous culinary offerings throughout the
Caribbean in all its glory on the rugged, isolat-  ment), followed by cocktails or dinner in the         day – breakfast, light snacks, beverages, sweets,
ed beach at the Carambola Resort, or enjoying      converted Great House.                                canapés and cocktails,” as well as a computer
some ocean kayaking at The Buccaneer by late                                                             workstation and a play area for guests with
afternoon. Arrange ahead of time with one of       Nurture: Catch the 9:30am float plane back            families. For outdoor lovers, the infinity pool is
the local outfitters for a bioluminescence tour    to St. Thomas, where the resort hotels here           right on the white sand beach, just steps from
that evening and enjoy a unique spectacle          are almost always on or near the beach, even          the spa offering Seaside Cabana massages and
found in only a few places on earth.               when they’re only minutes from town – like            an expansive menu of other treatments and
                                                   the Frenchman’s Reef Marriott, located on an          therapies. Top it off with four restaurants and a
The next morning, take your pick between           imposing bluff that overlooks the harbor and          number of private dining options, sailing, scu-
hiking the island (rainforest or beachside)        Charlotte Amalie across the way. Or, if you’d         ba diving, snorkeling and the resort’s unique
or booking a snorkeling expedition to Buck         prefer to get a little further out of town, the       Ambassadors of the Environment program,
Island, a pristine National Park located about     Ritz-Carlton is perhaps the ultimate in Caribbe-      and you have the ultimate nurturing, restor-
30 minutes northeast of Christiansted. If you      an indulgence. Both properties feature an array       ative experience.
want to make time to lunch with the locals, try    of accommodations – single rooms to suites to
either La Reine Chicken Shack on Route 75                                                                Who says you can’t have it all?

HOT VENUE Kregel Windmill Factory Museum,
                                         Nebraska City, NE

Step inside the modest, one-story structure on     has been described as a time capsule of early         to acquire fresh, uncontaminated groundwater
Central Avenue in Nebraska City and you’ll enter   20th Century shop-type manufacturing. The             for home consumption, livestock watering and
a world that few have experienced – the manufac-   building appears much as it did in the 1930s,         garden irrigation changed prairie life forever.
ture of windmills as tools of modern technology,   when invoices were written by hand, correspon-
circa 1902. The Kregel Windmill Factory Museum     dence was typed on a manual typewriter and            The mission of the Kregel Windmill Factory
                                                                                                         Museum is to use the unique resources of this
   12                                                            even local phone calls were be placed   historic factory and its contents to provide a
                                                                 through an operator. Everyday things    tangible way for visitors to understand how
                                                                 such as ledger books on shelves, tele-  Americans through the years have used innova-
                                                                 phone, pencils and pens on the desk     tion, resourcefulness, hard work and thrift to live
                                                                 – even an overcoat on a hook – remain   successfully through changing times. The factory
                                                                 where they were last used.              demonstrates how Americans have used, and can
                                                                                                         continue to use, the renewable power of the wind
                                                                 Manufactured under the brand name       to enhance the quality of human life. It’s worth a
                                                                 “Eli,” legend has it that George F.     stop simply to experience a step back in time to
                                                                 Kregel simply liked the name and        the world of machine manufacturing. Perfect for
                                                                 thought it would be easy to read from   small group events.
                                                                 a distance and to remember. The
                                                                 2,000 windmills produced in this        Phone: (402) 873-1078
                                                                 factory over a 50-year period were      Website:
                                                                 groundbreaking in their use of renew-
                                                                 able natural power. Having a more
                                                                 efficient and less labor-intensive way
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