Incentive Federation Study: 84% of U.S. Businesses Use Non-Cash Rewards
The Incentive Federation recently released its 2015-16 Incentive Marketplace Estimate Research Study, which found that award points, gift cards, incentive travel and merchandise are frequently used by firms to reward and recognize their employees, sales teams, channel partners and customers. Conducted in partnership with market research firm Intellective Group of St. Louis, the study measures the expenditures of businesses for non-cash rewards for employees, customers and partners. The results update studies from previous years and provide details about expenditures. Some highlights:
- 84% of U.S. businesses use non-cash rewards to recognize and reward key audiences, up from 74% in 2013.
- In 2015, U.S. businesses spent $90 billion on these types of non-cash rewards, a 17% increase from 2013.
- Employee Rewards and Corporate Gifts were the most frequently used (72% of respondents), followed by Sales Rewards (60%), Customer Rewards (45%) and Channel Partner Rewards (41%).
- Gift Cards were the most popular form of reward in Sales, Employee and Channel Partner programs, with Merchandise the second-most popular reward. Award Points topped the list in Customer Programs, followed by Gift Cards and Merchandise.
To see the full research report click here.