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Upcoming EEA BMC YouTube Show March 16, 2 pm ET: The State of ROI in Incentive and Recognition

Enterprise Engagement AllianceDespite hundreds of studies and how-to and reference guides on incentive and recognition program design, surveys and anecdotal conversations suggest that most programs undergo much less rigor in terms of measurement than many other business investments. This upcoming Enterprise Engagement Alliance Brand Media Coalition YouTube Show will include research experts and incentive company executives with decades of combined experience in the field to assess the state of ROI in the IRR (Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition) field.
Ever since the ROI Institute was founded in 1992 and Incentive Research Foundation first published the Master Measurement Model about a decade later, the incentive, rewards, and recognition industry has had at its disposal a growing body of research and methodology on how to measure the qualitative and quantitative impact of incentive, recognition, loyalty and other programs. Yet, surveys of corporate end-users, incentive, and recognition companies find frequently that many programs undergo little serious rigor in return on investment. Has this changed?
Register here to attend the live event to join the discussion with five people at the front lines of this issue and to share your viewpoints or questions.
The EEA BMC program on ROI, live on March 16 at 12 noon ET and recorded for later access on Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube channel, will focus on the state of measurement in the world of incentives, rewards, recognition, loyalty, and gifting as it compares with other business investments in terms of rigor and analysis.
Panelists were specifically selected to collect viewpoints from research experts in the field as well as owners or senior management of established incentive firms with exposure to many customers, prospects, and RFPs (requests for proposals) over the years. Panelists include Rick Garlick, Principal Consultant, Richard Garlick and Associates, and Chief Research Advisor for the Incentive Research Foundation, and incentive and recognition company executives Jacque Salentine Busby, Founder and CEO of 32 year-old Luxe Incentives; Rick Conner, Senior Vice President, Employee Engagement for 12-year-old Incentco; and Lincoln Smith, Chief Strategy Officer, 42-year-old HMI Performance Incentives.
The program will cover the general history of measurement in incentive, rewards, and recognition; the types of measures commonly used to evaluate different types of programs; the degree of rigor and how that has changed or not changed over the years. Questions will include how the greater discussion of human capital management and analytics, and the issues of turnover are affecting the level of rigor applied to the design, implementation, measurement, and continuous improvement of these programs.

Register here to attend the live event to join the discussion with five people at the front lines of this issue and to share your viewpoints or questions.

(The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is also featuring a webinar on the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive on May 21 at 1 pm ET. Panelists are Carmen X. W. Lu , Counsel at Wachtell Lipton, and Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member for 4C Group, a leading EU human capital advisory firm and auditor of ISO 30414 human capital reports for Allianz, DWS, and Deutsche Bank.)
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