Management Elevated to Lead Motivation Excellence

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Two senior leaders at Motivation Excellence, an Illinois-based incentive company, have been elevated to fill the shoes of its CEO David Jobes, who died recently, as reported in RRN. Click here for his official obituary. No cause of death was disclosed.

According to Graham, “The leadership team is grateful for David’s unwavering trust in us and our great team of employees. This is a very sad time for our company, but he made sure we have the talent and resources to continue doing business like we always have. Our goal is to honor his legacy by continually raising the bar with our incentive programs. He’ll always be part of the fabric of this industry, and especially Motivation Excellence.”
Graham has a long history in the incentive industry and decades with Motivation Excellence. Ebner “is new to our industry and company but had David’s full support to lead our accounting department when he hired her,” according to Graham. “I don’t expect anything to change as far as how we handle our clients and programs.”
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