What's Hot, How-to

How to

How-to, research, and other insightful articles presented in order of date published.

Survey Looks at How U.K. Firms Use Incentive Rewards

Published: Jul 6, 2016

A new survey of companies in the United Kingdom reveals that a majority offer non-cash rewards & recognition to employees (81%), salespeople (72%), distributors/channel partners (57%), and customers (63%). The online study, jointly sponsored by ... [ read more ]

eBook Focuses on Rewards & Recognition Best Practices

Published: Apr 13, 2016

The Art and Science of Engaging Rewards is the first comprehensive eBook on best practices in the field based on meta-analysis of research conducted over the last decade from dozens of sources. The 70-page eBook was produced by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, and was sponsored by Hinda Incentives, a respected corporate rewards and recognition industry leader.... [ read more ]

Part II: How to - The Essence to Success: Program Design

Published: Mar 15, 2016

If one can draw any single conclusion from all of the research conducted over the last 30 years related to engagement and performance, it's the need to have a formal strategy that identifies the key audiences that can affect an outcome and all of the levers necessary to foster their proactive involvement in achieving organizational goals. Despite the inclination to "dumb down"... [ read more ]

Part I: How to - The Art and Science of Engaging Rewards

Published: Mar 7, 2016

Over the last 20 years, the incentive, recognition and rewards (IRR) business has seen an explosion in reward innovation, starting of course with online programs, but also including a wide variety of different merchandise products, gift cards, e-vouchers, digital rewards, personal fittings and travel experiences. Despite such innovations, program design appears to ... [ read more ]

Best Design Practices for Customer Referral Programs

Published: Feb 18, 2016

Everyone knows that word of mouth is the best advertising; it literally costs nothing because, according to Gallup research, customers who feel "wow" about a company will willingly share their happiness with friends or colleagues without any incentive at all. The smartest customer referral programs leverage the ... [ read more ]

Budgeting for Recognition Pays Off

Published: Dec 2, 2015

Recognition is an essential part of any successful engagement strategy. Directly addressing the very human need for acknowledgment and purpose solidifies the relationship of employees to the organization, and also provides direction to keep the team on track to achieve company goals. ... [ read more ]

8 Questions That Can Help Ensure Success

Published: Nov 2, 2015

In the case of incentive and recognition programs, answering a few basic questions can make the difference between measurable success and ending up behind the 8-ball... [ read more ]

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